The ISW 508, for example, is found almost exclusively in the Zavesky Observatory parking lot in Hillwood. While the aforementioned vehicles can be found throughout Empire Bay, some of the rarer ones can be found in the more wealthy neighborhoods like Greenfield and Hillwood.
Delizia Grandeamerica: $6250.00 ( Joe's Adventures only).Selling five vehicles in the main game will earn the player the Exporter achievement. This process is available from the start of Chapter 8 until Chapter 14 and from the beginning of all three DLCs. To sell a vehicle to Derek, drive one from the list below onto the platform then exit the car.
The player can sell rare and expensive vehicles for large sums of money, which are loaded onto ships to later be shipped to South America where they're sold on the black market. Vehicle Export is a stolen vehicle racket run by Derek Pappalardo at the docks.